Getting testnet funds on StarkNet
Getting testnet funds can be a daunting task. You don’t know if it’s the waiting time, not enough ETH on the faucet, or which faucet to use. It’s okay, everyone has been here before. In this article, I’ll go step by step through what you need to do in order to get your testnet funds.
In case you are in a rush you can just go to the following pages: StarkNet, Paradigm, Alchemy, and Chainlink.
Buckle up, the ride might be bumpy. Let’s start.
0. Prerequisites
Before you start, you will need the following:
Chrome / Mozilla Firefox (latest version if possible)
StarkNet Address (if you don’t know how to set one up, check this )
For some Faucet you might also need (optional):
1. Getting the testnet tokens
There are several ways to get testnet tokens. I’ll start with StarkWare’s official Faucet and other trustworthy Faucets.
StarkWare Faucet
You can use directly the StarkNet Faucet which you can find it here. To claim the funds, you add your StarkNet address, do the captcha and hit the “Send Request” button.
However, due to the high usage of the Faucet, you might get this error. This means that the usage of the faucet has reached its limit.
Don’t panic, we have alternatives. Let’s check them out.
In this section, we will use the long route to get the testnet funds. This means that we will request the funds on Layer 1 (L1) and then bridge them with StarkGate on Layer 2 (L2).
Paradigm Faucet
This one is one of my favourite faucets, as it sends 3 tokens and 5 NFTs across 4 testnets (including Goerli). However, you will need a Twitter account which has at least 1 tweet, 50 followers and is at least 1 month old. This is to prevent bots to drain the faucet funds.
To access Paradigm Faucet, click here. Once on their page, you will need to sign in with your Twitter account. Once in, add your ERC20 address, and if you want funds on the other testnets check the checkbox.
Once your transaction is confirmed, go to Bridge your Tokens section.
Alchemy Faucet
Next up, we have the Alchemy Faucet. You will have to sign up for an Alchemy account. To create an account, click here.
After you created an account, you can access Alchemy’s Faucet here. Make sure you are logged in, add your ERC20 address and hit the “Send me ETH” button.
Once your transaction is confirmed, go to Bridge your Tokens section.
Chainlink Faucet
Chainlink’s Faucet is a straightforward process. Unfortunately, you will only get LINK tokens, but it is better than nothing.
To do this, you access Chainlink’s Faucet page, here. Once there, add your ERC20 address, do the captcha and hit the “Send me …” button.
Once your transaction is confirmed, go to Bridge your Tokens section.
2. Bridge your tokens
Time to use the StarGate. Head over to the StarkGate page and let’s prepare to move your funds to your StarkNet address on L2.
Make sure you are on the Goerli Network, by checking the top left corner.
After that, connect your ERC20 address on L1 and then connect your StarkNet address on L2. Select the desired token, ETH, in this case, add the amount you want to transfer and hit the “Transfer” button. Confirm your transactions
Congrats, our job is done. Well, sort of. We just need to wait a couple of minutes until we receive our funds from L1 to L2. But we are done!
Before you go…
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